
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The After Shock

Settling in to this forced life of leisure isn't as easy as I had hoped! But lots of opportunity for house chores and visiting with Pops!

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

What a July...

Hard to believe, but I must fondly say goodbye to my many, many Fleet Landing friends. God has a plan for me, I am sure, so I only have to wait and see what He has in store.
Have faith, He said, and so I will...

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Boy, talk about a BOMBSHELL!

Go to a meeting, make plans for my week, get chopped off at the knees by folks who have no clue how to do what I do so well. Can't believe that of all people to weed out, I'm the one who had to go. Well, I hope you know what you are doing. Good bye Fleet Landing.

And good luck with raising that $6 million.

Don't forget, philanthropy is about building trust and solid relationships - and GIVING IS VOLUNTARY.

Happy Independence Day!

Always fun with family, but really missing Mom. She is with us in spirit, but boy is it hard. Glad to have the kids, cousins and family around to enjoy the day.
God Bless America